Monday, November 24, 2014

How to differentiate between MORE similar flags!

The first part of this post has recently become my most popular blog post -- wow! So in honor of that, here's a few more similar flags and how to differentiate between them for all you amateur vexillologists out there.

Senegal and Cameroon

 These two have given me quite a bit of trouble, but I eventually came up with a little trick: The flag of Senegal has a green star which I associate with the "g" in Senegal. Then Cameroon has the yellow star.

Somalia and Vietnam

So this one's pretty easy and clearly just comes down to the colors. Blue and white is Somalia, Red and yellow is Vietnam.

Bahrain and Qatar

These two flags are very similar, and these two countries are similar as well, both small nations in the Persian Gulf. Again, it comes down to color. Bahrain has the normal, bright red, while Qatar is more burgundy.

Guinea and Mali

These two countries which border each other in Western Africa have easily mixed up flags. When seeing one of them I usually first identify it as either Guinea or Mali. If the first color is a bright green, it's Mali. There's no cute little trick for this one.

Liberia, Malaysia and U.S.A.

Clearly the same basic layout for these three flags, but they're not difficult to tell apart. Liberia, whose flag was actually based on America's, has only one star. Malaysia's has the crescent and star. And the U.S. flag is the U.S. flag.

Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Yemen

These countries are all located in the same part of the world and all share the same red, white and black stripes in their flag. Yemen has the plain stripes, but the other three have a different design in the middle. Egypt has the gold eagle, Iraq has the green script, and Syria has two green stars.

El Salvador and Nicaragua

These two Central American countries have strikingly similar flags. Although they both say the name of the country in the gold print around the crest, that's cheating. So other ways of determining the difference are that El Salvador has a slightly darker blue than Nicaragua, and the crests are different. Nicaragua doesn't have anything outside its triangle, while El Salvador's is framed with plants and flags. So you can tell the difference without having to get close enough to read the words (which is cheating anyway).

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