Thursday, December 31, 2015

End of 2015 goal evaluation

This past February, I posted publicly my 15 things to do in 2015. Here there are again, at the end of year, with my evaluation.

1. Read 10 books

Not even close. I just don't have time to read unfortunately!

2. Publish 4 blog posts per month (total of 48)

Not that close with over 30, but not that pathetic either. It was a busy year.

3. Go on an actual date - DONE

4. Apply for a job at the Writing Center on campus Modified to: Get an on-campus job. - DONE

I got two great on-campus jobs that are more geared toward what I want to do anyway. I worked with the Center for Global Environmental Education, and I work for the Sustainability Office on campus.

5. Travel to Europe - DONE

My family's vacation to Ireland was amazing.

6. Get a piece of writing published

Not done - however, that is not really a major goal of mine anyway.

7. Perform guitar somewhere - DONE

I performed at an open mic night at college with some of my friends in January.

8. Send a pilot TV script to my connection

Nope - I still enjoy creative writing, but it's no longer a focus for me.

9. Reach two thousand followers on tumblr

Didn't do this - although I was over one thousand on my Breaking Bad-dedicated blog.

10. Get a summer job - DONE

I worked as a cashier at Gordman's. It was a good job for the summer. 

11. Get good grades - DONE

My college 4.0 somehow survives.

12. Declare my major - DONE

I declared myself as an Environmental Studies major with a Political Science concentration in May.

13. Room with my friend Nick - DONE

So far, so great. Our room is pretty awesome and we get along perfectly.

14. Go on a road trip - DONE

I drove to my aunt's cabin by myself on the 4th of July.

15. Make an artwork - DONE

I expanded my 8x11 bottle cap poster into a 12x12. It looks awesome. I also made a bottle cap tray, which turned out pretty great, and was finished just in time.

All in all, my record was 9/15. Not too bad. The point is more to keep track of my growth and progress than to be a bucket list. I'll post my 16 things to do soon!