Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2016: Goal Evaluation

I never even set the 16th goal for 2016, but how did I do on the other 15?

Publish 2 posts per month on this blog (24 total): Only had 13 total.

Go on a camping trip to Glacier National Park: This didn't work out.

Get an internship: Actually I had two this year. One through the sustainability office and one through Eureka Recycling. My career pursuits started coming together this year.

Live in an apartment: My on campus apartment is great, and I love being able to cook for myself and have my own space.

30-day vegan challenge: I didn't officially do this, but I ended up eating almost completely vegan since I moved into my apartment. I simply don't buy animal products so I don't eat them. Turns out it's that easy.

Get good grades: Yes!

Vote in the presidential election: I did vote, but I don't really want to talk about the outcome.

Make an artwork: I made my friend a bottle cap poster for her birthday.

Work out regularly: Maybe I'm just not the type of person that is meant to work out.

Go out for my 21st birthday: Went to a restaurant on my actual birthday and to a brewery the next day and hung out with friends the next day for NYE so it was a three day event.

Read at least three books: I read the Sustainability Secret, which is basically the novelization of Cowspiracy, but I didn't read any other books in their entirety. I'm awful.

Start vermicomposting: I started vermicomposting in May, and I'm fairly experienced by now.

Travel to another country: Not sure why I thought this would be happening this year...

Keep up with local news and environmental news: I sort of did, through social media and email lists. For one of my jobs, I have to browse environmental news every week so that's a plus.

Get involved in local politics and advocacy:  I went to the Twin Cities Zero Waste Summit. Better than nothing.

I unambiguously accomplished 7 out of the 15. But I partially accomplished 12 of the 15. Just gotta lower my standards I guess.