Sunday, July 27, 2014

A critique of various titles sequences

I watch a lot of tv shows and one thing that happens when you watch a lot of tv shows is you watch a ton of titles sequences -- over and over and over again. Sometimes this is fine; if the titles are good or short it's not a problem. Here are my critiques for the titles of many shows I have watched some of or all of, based on the length, visuals, audio, and appropriateness to the mood of the show.


Length: Definitely appropriate for a 90 minute show.

Visuals: Great! Beautifully used images from the show.

Audio: Don't even get me started. The song is great on its own, but let's remember that the titles song is a combination of Sherlock's theme and John's motif. Excuse me while I cry.

Mood: Perfect. The transition to the titles feels totally appropriate each of the 9 times. It works well to pre-lap the beginning of the song.

Overall: Perfect titles sequence. I love the slight changes from season to season while still using the same basic format.

Doctor Who

Here's all the titles if you want to watch them. I'm going to be focusing on the New Who editions, specifically the Tennant years, a.k.a. the best years.

Length: Good!

Visuals: The vortex is always a fun time. I love that they include the episode title and writer in each titles sequence.

Audio: oohh-weEEEE-OHHHH...WEEEE-OOoohh

Mood: Fitting. It's a good titles sequence to get excited during.

Overall: Great! I love the updates from doctor to doctor while still maintaining the same basic feel.


Length: They could have made it a tad longer and eliminated some of the overlaid credits during the first act. But I'm not going to complain about a short titles sequence.

Visuals: Simple. Nice.

Audio: It gets old after a while, especially since 85% of Lost's score is that same eerie sound.

Mood: It never feels wrong, especially since the cold opens often end on miniature cliff-hangers.

Overall: Good all around.

How I Met Your Mother

Length: Perfect for a half hour show.

Visuals: Cute and funny -- but I do wonder why they never updated them after 10 years.

Audio: Kind of annoying, but it works.

Mood: On point.

Overall: Acceptable.

Orange Is the New Black

Length: This show has so often been teased for its on-the-long-side titles sequence, that lasts for over a minute. However, the placement of the titles at the very beginning of every episode (except the pilot) helps the sequence feel less long.

Visuals: I am mesmerized by these women's faces every time I watch it and I've seen it quite a few times.

Audio: I always sing along... it's my jam.

Mood: Fits the show perfectly. I think for this differently-formatted show, it works well to place the titles at the very beginning and this eliminates any possibility of an awkward transition.

Overall: Love it!

House of Cards

Length: Kinda long.

Visuals: Cool time-lapse photography, but nothing that's captivating to watch over and over again.

Audio: Great! I was actually just talking to my uncle about how great the theme music is.

Mood: It works because, much like the show, it's a bit too serious.

Overall: Decent.

The Walking Dead

Length: It doesn't feel long, which is more important that its actual length.

Visuals: Nice! I like the creepy turning doorknob from the first episode -- the cracked photo-frames of different characters are a little trite.

Audio: Perfectly creepy.

Mood: Definitely works.

Overall: Effective.

The West Wing

Length: Just a bit on the long side.

Visuals: Maybe a little overdone. 

Audio: It's good standing alone, but often seems strange in the context of the show. A little too triumphant.

Mood: Again, too triumphant. There are several very awkward transitions where the lighthearted music just doesn't work.

Overall: It's The West Wing, though, so we'll let it slide.

Breaking Bad

Length: Short and sweet.

Visuals: Nothing short of iconic.

Audio: Flawless. The theme song captures the "western" feel that this show aims for.

Mood: Spot-on. The titles sequence works every time, in every episode. It never feels awkward or out of place. This is also somewhat due to Breaking Bad's tradition of having super great cold opens, but some credit must go to the titles sequence as well.

Overall: Perfect show is perfect.

Orphan Black

Length: Fine.

Visuals: Interesting, but nothing too engaging.

Audio: Not my favorite, but not bad.

Mood: I can't place my finger on it, but there's something about the titles sequence that doesn't quite click with the show.

Overall: I love the show too much to be too critical.

The Office

Length: There's a full version and a short version which is great to prevent audiences getting annoyed.

Visuals: Entertaining. They kept it updated pretty well as the seasons progressed.

Audio: My dad gets super annoyed by this song, but I love it.

Mood: Absolutely perfect.

Overall: Solid titles sequence.

Twin Peaks

Length: Hilariously long.

Visuals: So 90s.

Audio: *snore*

Mood: Somehow, perfect.

Overall: You really can't rip on it, it's Twin Peaks

Game of Thrones

Length: Definitely long, but the placement at the very beginning of each episode helps it not feel so.

Visuals: Not only beautiful but also a great way to sort out where everything is happening in the show.

Audio: Perfect.

Mood: Perfect.

Overall: I would watch this show just for the titles sequence, to be honest.

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