Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gun Control

I’ve been wanting to write about gun control for a while now. I was going to do this after Aurora. Then after the more recent mall shooting. Now there’s been another one just yesterday at an elementary school in Connecticut.

People often say that it’s not appropriate to have these types of conversations after such tragedies. Well, then when is it appropriate? The fact is that it doesn’t just seem like shootings are happening more often that they used to—they are happening more often.

 People love the argument that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Let me tell you what’s crap about this. First of all, yes—guns don’t act of their own accord. Someone has to pull the trigger. But there has to be a trigger to pull. I mean, really—hasn’t anyone ever played Clue? The three parts are the suspect, the location and the weapon. The weapon is one-third of the crime! Without the candlestick, Colonel Mustard wouldn’t have been able to commit the murder. Likewise, without (completely legal) access to powerful assault weapons James Holmes wouldn’t have been able to shoot 70 people in Aurora, killing 12. These kinds of guns used to be illegal until 2004. And maybe this ban didn’t spur a huge decrease in gun violence (although I think the above graph is pretty compelling) and maybe renewing it won’t make a huge difference. After all, people could still illegally obtain these guns and people of course will continue to do terrible things. But I don’t think it could make things worse than they already are.
These types of guns are not for defense. So don’t say that you need semi-automatic rifles to protect yourself from burglary. Because if you pull out a gun every time you hear a sound at night, you’re more likely to shoot your own granddaughter, as happened this past week in Minnesota. If the man had used something even more powerful, it’s likely she wouldn’t have survived.

So, I’m not saying we should violate anyone’s second-amendment rights here—but personal freedoms are limited all the time for the safety of society. Drunk-driving is illegal, and even though plenty of people still do it I don’t hear anyone arguing to stop trying to prevent alcohol-related car accidents. On average, 33 people are killed by guns every day in the U.S. Considering those numbers, we hear about gun related deaths very little. Maybe I’m just a bleeding heart liberal, but I think it’s time we do something about this.


  1. The same thing that happened in Newtown happened in China, except the Chinese guy only had a knife and stabbed 22 children. None of them died. In the United States, a "safer" country, 20 innocent children were shot and every one of them died.

    1. Exactly. Assault weapons are way more lethal than knives and even non-automatic guns.

  2. Who woulda thunk that China was safer then the U.S.?

  3. Those are some good points. We talked about this in Euro today and some suggested limiting magazine number (magazine is how many bullets it can shoot before reloading). Most have a range of like 5-10 but some have a size of 30. The say its for hunting but if you need 30 shots to kill one deer then maybe you shouldn't be hunting...

    1. YAY thanks for reading!!!
      Yup, that's definitely the first thing that should be done because there's honestly no need to shoot 30+ times without reloading. And hunting is supposed to be about skill and precision! And it's illegal to hunt with magazines that have more than 5 rounds anyway - plus assault weapons are for combat. For killing people rather than animals. And yet they're the best selling guns in America... great! Even more so after the Newtown tragedy... for fear that they may be taken away.

  4. Jenni-totally agree with you about gun control. You actually motivated me to get a blogger account b/c of your awesome post...The only reason the second ammendment exists is because the colonists got their right to carry guns taken away from them. Back then, they kind of NEEDED to carry guns (bears, buffalo, Indians, and Brits). Now...not so much. If you're really acting in self defense and using guns responsibly (like when someone's shooting at you)...then you don't need a gun if guns aren't available in the first place (good guy no gun, bad guy no gun). The only exception? Hot FBI agents.

    1. Thanks, and good luck with your blog :)
      Yes, the muskets they had back then are completely different from semi-automatic guns now, considering they could only shoot once before taking like 4 minutes to re-load. So, yeah, the 2nd amendment was not written with these types of guns in mind.
      Hot FBI agents are pretty awesome ;)
