Monday, December 3, 2012

Ray Wise is in Every TV Show Ever

Alright, I’ve had two somewhat relevant, timely posts… I think I deserve to move onto the second part of my blog’s title (i.e. other things that don’t matter). Namely, a recent observation I made.

*This entry will also be a shocking testament to my chronic Netflix Addiction*

I used to never watch TV. Literally. Then… Netflix. Making up for lost time, I suppose, I’ve already plowed through dozens of seasons of several shows, and—according to my mom—taken years off my life in the process. Eh. One of these shows is the classic Twin Peaks from 1990. It’s a dark, quirky, super intense murder mystery series starring an adorable Kyle MacLachlan as Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper. (For a while, I carried around a little tape recorder, telling ‘Diane’ about what I had for breakfast. And I made this picture.)

I feel like no one appreciates how awesome I am.

Ray Wise played Leeland Palmer, the (*SPOILER ALERT*) murderer. And he is so—unbelievably—CREEPY.  

Case in point. (If he looks familiar, that's because you've watched TV before.
Anyway, Twin Peaks is amazing until the murder is solved and then it takes an unforgivable plunge in quality as they try to force subplots into becoming main plots and it’s cringingly bad. It did not get a third season.
So I moved onto other shows! Like Burn Notice. In the first episode, who do I see? Leeland-freaking-Palmer. Playing the bad guy (of course) in the pilot. So that’s interesting. Then I watch Psych: Leeland Palmer. Then I watch Bones: Leeland Palmer. Then I watch How I Met Your Mother: Leeland Palmer shoving Robin out of a helicopter.

According to Wikipedia, he’s also appeared in 24, Mad Men, Star Trek, Law and Order… and, well, like I said: every TV show ever. And every time he pops up, I can only think of this:

So this was a very media-heavy and pointless post. Hopefully I'll have something to say about politics or current events in the near future, but I had way more fun writing this... ;)