Tuesday, June 10, 2014

35 cool things about Iceland

I'm planning on studying abroad in Iceland, or just straight up transferring to the University of Reykjavik and never coming back. And this is why.

Here are a bunch of cool things about Iceland.

1.) Fricking awesome geology

The word "Geyser" is Icelandic.
2.) Arctic foxes are the only native mammals

Cutest animals ever.

3.) The towns are so cute

They're so small and colorful.
4.) Polar bears arrive sometimes on ice-flows from Greenland

5.) The average temperatures for the year go from mid-twenties to mid-fifties Fahrenheit

6.) Icelandic is amazing and hilarious

7.) It's the most gorgeous place you've ever seen

8.) Northern lights!

9.) Nice flag

10.) Same-sex marriage has been legal for many years

11.) One of the ten most atheist countries in the world

12.) Runs almost exclusively on renewable energy, especially geothermal

This is probably the number one coolest thing.
13.) It's the only landform on the mid-Atlantic ridge

14.) Icelandic ponies

15.) Puffins

Also a local delicacy.
16.) Places to ski and snowboard

17.) Whales

18.) High standard of living and one of the most developed countries in the world

19.) Just a little south of the arctic circle

No full-on midnight sun in the summer, but close.
20.) One of the healthiest countries in the world with a long life-expectancy

21.) Low level of income inequality

22.) Glaciers and glacial rivers

23.) Universal health-care and government-provided tertiary education

24.) Lower taxes than other comparable European countries

25.) The names of the towns are the best ever

26.) Multi-party system

27.) Strong democratic institutions and high voter turnout

28.) English is widely spoken and understood (but I will learn Icelandic)

29.) Traditional Icelandic turf houses

30.) Of Monsters and Men is a great band

31.) Ninety-five percent of population has internet access

32.) Use greenhouses to grow fruit and vegetables

33.) They eat weird cool things

34.) Mountain climbing and hiking are popular

35.) Geothermally heated outdoor pools

I think my search history is a better conclusion than anything I could write:

I'm not messing around here.

For more beautiful photography of Iceland click here.

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