Monday, February 23, 2015

My 15 things to do in 2015

Since 2010 I have been making lists of things I want to do each year. They are typically a combination of long term and short term goals, reasonable and a little more far-fetched, academic and personal. They are always a good snapshot of my priorities and accomplishments in any given year.

This year I decided to post them publicly so I can be even more dedicated. (Plus I'm really behind on blogging, which was one of my goals.)

In no particular order, here are my 15 things to do in 2015

1.) Read 10 books.

This might be a little optimistic unless I count skimming my assigned readings for class, but I always make an effort to read.

2.) Publish four posts per month on this blog.

Clearly, I'm behind. But I'm going to pick up the slack soon I promise. I'm also bending this one a little, so as long as I have at least 48 posts by the end of 2015 I'll consider this one met.

3.) Go on an actual date.

This on has actually already been accomplished (times three). Dates aren't that big of a deal actually. Hm.

4.) Apply for a job at the Writing Center on campus.

I think it would be a good fit for me.

5.) Travel to Europe.

This one will be accomplished, as my family has a trip to Ireland planned for this summer.

6.) Get a piece of writing published.

Whether that's the paper I wrote that my professor said I might consider publishing, or something unforeseen on the horizon... This one's a little more far-fetched.

7.) Perform guitar somewhere.

This one has already been accomplished as well. I played with some friends at an open mic night.

8.) Send a pilot TV script to my connection.

I have a connection. I do not, however, have a good pilot script. Ugh.

9.) Reach two thousand followers on tumblr.

I'm currently very close to one thousand and I think I could double that within a year. It'd be fun.

10.) Get a summer job.

This is a given, as I can't exactly sit around doing nothing all summer.

11.) Get good grades.

This is very arbitrary, but I made the Dean's List last semester so I'll try to keep to that standard.

12.) Declare my major.

I don't necessarily have to declare my major by the end of next year but it'd be nice to have an idea of what I'm doing. Right now I'm heavily leaning toward Environmental Studies.

13.) Room with my friend Nick.

What started as "I wish we could just room together" is now within reach. Next school year is going to be hella.

14.) Go on a road trip.

It doesn't have to be very long. In fact, it will probably just be visiting a friend who lives or goes to school a few hours away. But I want to go by myself.

15.) Make an artwork.

This one's appeared in almost every list and is usually completed in the last couple days of the year. But it always motivates me to make a cool poster to hang up or give away.

My last post of the year will most definitely be a follow up on how these goals have gone. Wow. 2016 feels very far away, but if the past if any indication it will be here before we know it.

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