Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The five things I'm giving up for lent

I'm not religious, nor have I ever given anything up for lent. But by a strange turn of events I am giving up five "bad habits" this year -- or at least trying to. This is a challenge outlined by a friend of mine, and so far I've broken each of them countless times.

1.) I can't say "same" anymore.

It's kind of my thing. I see or hear something relatable? "Same." A child trips and falls? "Same." A car honks its horn? "Same." Okay, so it's gone a little too far and it probably is a habit I should try to break.

2.) I can't repeat things my friend says in a mocking tone.

This too is something I should really stop doing. 

3.) I can't bring up Breaking Bad in casual conversation.

For a person who is friends almost exclusively with people who haven't seen Breaking Bad I talk about Breaking Bad a lot.

4.) I can't reblog pictures of attractive women to my tumblr blog.

I don't think this is bad habit, but I'm trying to comply. (Actually I'm just queueing up all the posts for Easter. It's going to be a great Easter.)

5.) I can't have more than one caffeinated beverage a day.

This is also a really good thing for me. I literally have withdrawal symptoms when I don't drink coffee. This is bad. (It started out with a sip, how did it end up like this? It was only a sip. It was only a sip!)

All in all, this is much more of a challenge than it probably should be, but I'll try my best.

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