Saturday, November 9, 2013

My favorite YouTubers

Vi Hart

I very recently discovered Vi Hart and where have you been all my life?! These videos are, for some reason, really relaxing to watch while still being about math.

Ze Frank

If you're not subscribed to Ze, you need to re-evaluate your life. He is practically the father of YouTube vlogging, and while he's known for his hysterically funny videos like his True Facts series, most prefer the more pensive, inspiring videos, like this one.

The Vlogbrothers and affiliated channels

John and Hank Green, both initially inspired by Ze Frank, have taken YouTube and the greater Internet (see: tumblr) by storm lately. This is just a random (but really great) video of John from their main channel but check out Mental Floss, Sci Show and Crash Course for some entertaining yet educational content.


I now introduce you to my favorite movie and occasionally television reviewer, Jeremy Jahns. We tend to agree. A lot. For reference, here is his review of Sherlock. He's also been known to hail Breaking Bad as one of the best shows ever, so you know -- we're basically the same person.


The most unique thing, probably, about this popular channel is that the host, Michael, speaks very slowly. You really don't come across, like, enunciation and breath pauses on YouTube and it's nice. These videos are long and ridiculously interesting. Here's an example:

Rhett and Link

I'm not a huge fan of their more recent stuff, but these guys are pretty funny. This is their classic Epic Rap Battle.

Julian Smith

Unfortunately, I think he's lost his touch recently, but that doesn't diminish the fact that this guy has made several of the funniest videos the internet has to offer. This one's my personal favorite, but you should also familiarize yourself with Malk and Hot Kool Aid just to be well rounded.


One more educational one for good measure. I appreciate the attempt to explain complicated concepts in simple terms and cute doodles. For the record, though, most of these videos are well beyond me.

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