Friday, November 1, 2013

10 best Doctor Who episodes

In honor of my buying tickets to go see the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special in theaters, here is my list of the top 10 best Doctor Who episodes.

Okay, technically 15 best episodes, but I'm counting two part episodes as one because, yeah. It's my blog. And since it's my blog, these are listed in chronological order because putting them in order by quality was way too stressful.

Also, this is heavily geared toward people who know these episodes. People who don't will have no clue what I'm spazzing out about. And I haven't seen season 7 yet, so seeing those episodes may well change my picks. But for the time being, here we go:

"The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances"

Are you my mummy? These were the episodes that hooked me on Doctor Who. Let's be honest -- "Rose" is an awful episode. But for those of us who can hang in there past the pilot, this is the point of no return.

"The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit"

One of the creepiest story lines by far... And super feelsy! "Tell Rose that... Well. She knows." OH MY GOD. And that speech. I think Whovians know what I'm taking about. The speech? The "I believe in her" speech? Yeah. Exactly. 


This is the definitive Doctor Who experience in one episode. Admittedly, it's got very little of the Doctor in it... but it's got Carey Mulligan, so that makes up for it. And it's got Weeping Angels. It's just a fantastically written and produced episode and if I had to rank this list by quality, this would be number one.

"Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead"

I love the Vashta Nerada and I don't care who knows it. Plus, introduction to River Song! Awesome! And did I mention how awesome the Vashta Nerada are? Really awesome.


This is, probably, my second favorite episode of Doctor Who, in that, if I had one episode to hook someone, I'd show them "Midnight." It's so frickin creepy. What I love about Doctor Who is that it takes sort of ordinary things and makes them scary. Shadows become the Vashta Nerada (totally awesome), and the childish game of repeating everything someone says? Oh, it gives me chills now, thanks to "Midnight." I can't get over how good this episode is.

"The Water of Mars"

The Time Lord Victorious. Need I say more? Well, I don't need to, but I will. I love the moral questions the Doctor faces in this episode, and how he gives in this time and does the wrong thing (or the right thing?? I don't know!) and it backfires. The ending is so sad. And again -- a normal thing (water) becomes freaking terrifying. 

"The End of Time" Part I and Part II

Oh, man. Oh man oh man, these episodes. I swear. HE WILL KNOCK FOUR TIMES. That got me, that got me big time, when it was Wilf. And man, can Tennant act. I cried. A few times. "I don't want to go." Stab me in the heart, please.

"The Eleventh Hour"

I'd say this is my third favorite episode. Yeah, I probably could have put these in order. It's heartbreaking ("Why'd you say six months?" "Why'd you say five minutes?!"), it's hilarious ("Beans are evil."), and it's downright epic ("I'm the Doctor. So basically... run."). They could not have crafted a better first episode for Eleven and Amy and Rory. Just fantastic.

"The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon"

Dude, the silence. The silence... Dude. Where does Moffat come up with this stuff? It still gives me the chills... This is how you kick off a season, guys... Watch and learn.

"The God Complex"

This is a personal favorite of mine. I love the Shining-esque setting. I love the supporting cast of characters. I love the faith and the fears. I love Eleven's coy smile and "Of course. Who else?" I love the end -- " An ancient creature drenched in the blood of an innocent. Drifting through space in an endless, shifting maze. For such a creature, death would be a gift. They'd accept it. And sleep well," and I love the afterthought, "I'm not talking about myself." Just perfect.

If you haven't watched Doctor Who, then for heaven's sake, watch it. Now. I'll admit this is not a show everyone will enjoy, but stick it out through the frequent occasional hokiness and through the sometimes laughable not so impressive special effects, because this show's got heart and it'll make you think and it's just really good. 

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